Monday, 7 January 2013

Healing Sunday's

This Sunday was spent blitzing the house, making sure all the decorations from Yule were down and away. Working through the washing mountain, food shopping for the week ahead....back to school, back to routine! So scrubbing and a cleaning as a family team effort, the kids gained reward tokens for helping out, we cleaned the house within an inch of its life.

The above photo is my wonderful Source statue which, since she was gifted to me by my fab girls, has lived in my home's hearth space. I often light a candle whilst cooking or spending time in there and if needs I will light a candle especially for healing to be sent somewhere. 

Having blitzed the kitchen, then washed my Source and refreshed Her rose petals. I wanted to dedicate a healing candle to a couple of my friends.This Sunday, one of my dearest friends had a tough day ahead of her and another recent friend wasn't very well at all. So whilst lighting the candle I sent out Love and Healing Energy to them both and then left the candle to burn down. Whilst I was taking the above photo to share on Facebook and let my friends know I'd been thinking of them, I was inspired that this is something I should do every Sunday with my Source. So I'm putting it out there......if anyone would like a candle dedicated to them on a Sunday, receiving Healing from the Source, She's there for that use just let me know.

Brightest Blessing upon your week ahead xxx

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