Wednesday, 8 February 2012

C is for Challenges Along the Road (and Cleansing)

Ok, so I'm late posting my pagan blog project post, and its also not what I originally wanted to post about either. But the title of this post says it all...this last 5 days has been all about Challenges. Challenges in life and boy has it been tough. I dont think the timing of the 'challenge' was great.....building up to the Full Moon and also my Moontime. So the emotional rollercoaster its brought in its wake has been crap :o( 

A cave is the only place I've wanted to be this last couple of days. Wallow is all I've wanted to do there. All the things I would normally do when such a challenge comes along went out the window. All I've wanted to do is cry....I've had to go into my normal day job and keep myself together. I've been going through my head on how we can over come this obstacle, how we can be ok and how to make it all right. I know we need to stay positive and that the universe (hopefully) has a grand plan in all this. I'm trying to trust and have faith. But sometimes its just plain tough!!! And, yes, actually all you wanna do is wave that magic wand or click those sparkley red shoes and make it all perfect. But hey this is normal life hey!

So I'm doing what I can it to make it ok....cutting back, saving pennies where I can, supporting, (and seaking support from my sisters for me).

Imbolc is still in the air, here in the UK, we're heavy with snow but the melt holds promise.

Last night we went out into the forest, we drummed, sang and cleansed. I cried and cleared. We sowed some ancient seeds and voiced our wishes. We sent healing and lit candles...light within the darkness. The forest was like Narnia, quiet, white and magical. We found deer tracks in the snow, always a welcome sign for me.

So how am I gonna move forward from this challenge, you might ask?

As the snow melts I shall start to physically and spiritually clean the house. I'm gonna move these negative vibes outta my house and outta of ours lives! they are not welcome here....nothing to see....move along!!! I'm gonna smudge my house and whisper positivity into all the corners. I'm gonna put some salt and rosemary by my front door, to catch those nasty negavibes, if they so much as sniff at my door they'll be absorbed! That metaphysical tree thats laid across our Path at the mo....well as they say with lemons and lemonade....well that tree will make great firewood!!!! 

Universe you can bring on that amazing new wonderfulness you have ahead for me and my family....we're making way for it....we'll be ready....


  1. Sending love and blessings your way! Hope that whatever is challenging you and your family will vanish as quickly as the snow in the sun!

  2. Sam,

    I know exactly how you're feeling right now, I've been the same. There's a great deal of clearing away of things at the moment, it seems to be the theme of the year so far whatever the spiritual path.I can feel big changes coming my way too and I'm doing my best to embrace them and go with the flow but it is very challenging when your world is turned upside down yet again :)

    Love and hugs to you, stay strong and shiney.
    Mel xxxx

    1. So true Mel. As I just replied to the link on Facebook. This year, I feel, is all about cementing yourself on your path, your purpose and direction. If you need a little nudge your gonna get it this year and I think like you say, we just have to trust and have faith....go with the flow. But yes...VERY testing ;o)

      Love and hugs back at you xxx

  3. As I finished this post, I have to hold back tears. I feel like I keep getting buffeted away from my goals and that the Universe has been throwing me further and further away from where I should be. Reading this, even though I don't know what challenges you're facing yourself, helps. So thank you for sharing, and good luck to you and yours.


  4. Lovely sentiments Sam Blessings and love to you and your family xxx

  5. What a wonderful post. I think a lot of us can relate to the trials you are currently facing. This year is going to be full of them for myself as well. Theme of the year "Go with the flow" strap yourself in and hang onto your hat. LOL Have faith that it will all work out in the end.


  6. Hi Sam,

    I've been feeling that rough and tumble from the Universe recently too and have been yo-yo-ing between desperate cave dwelling and determined path making - just as you described here. I think finding your blog, and this post, today is a hearty nudge from the powers that be saying that things are going to brighten and lighten soon. Thanks you for sharing your inspiring words and stories; I'm looking forward to posts to come.

    Bright blessings to you and yours.

    Keli x x
